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Digitaal Dorpsplein - Arrived and here to Stay...

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Dag allemaal,

Ik heb de eer om de allereerste Blog hier te schrijven. Scribbling the first words on our new Dutch Portal. Ons Digitale Dorpsplein, where we bring all our Dutch interests in Aotearoa New Zealand together.

My aim with this brief entry - is to encourage you, to become one of our contributors to the site. I am doing this today, for the first time. I can tell you, it's straightforward. And it's very easy. All you need is a picture and some words. And you're off.

So what could you write about in your blogs? Anything that interests the Dutch community, really. En we houden 't netjes, natuurlijk...

We'd like to hear from you. And we'd love you to add your Events, and Activities, and Articles, etc, etc, to the Portal. Keep coming back. Keep communicating with al die andere Nederlanders. Let's keep adding to this site.

Ons Dorpsplein can become a rich resource for anything Dutch in Aotearoa - ons Nieuwe Zeeland.  This can become the start of a resurgence of Dutch cultural heritage in our new country. Over to you to make it happen. Let me rephrase that... Over to all of us, to make it happen.

Let's have fun. Kletsen op 't Dorpsplein. Leuk toch? 

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