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Your Name: On a
 ‘Memorial Wall’

Spectacular Art Mural
on the Oranjehof Building

You can add 'Your Family's Name' to an Art Mural on the outside wall of the Oranjehof Museum in Foxton. The brilliantly coloured Wall Painting (an art piece, really...) is over 40 metres long and 4m high – and adds an impressive monumental visual to Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom and the Cultural Park.

The official ‘reveal’ took place on 24 April 2021 - at the opening of the first ever national Dutch Week in 2021 - by the Minister for Ethnic Communities, the Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan and Dutch Ambassador, Mira Woldberg.  

Sponsored Name Panels - Next to our Art Mural

The 2021 edition of our sponsored Name Panels for our Memorial Wall completely sold out. We are adding a last panel, so you can still add your family’s name – or any name you choose, like children or grandparents, or your business – next to the Art Mural (some 30 spots left). We will install the last Name Panel once the last sponsorship name has been 'sold'.

Click here - Join our Memorial Wall 

Your name can feature on the panels next to the Painting - by Amsterdam artist Jan van der Ploeg. Join in on this project - which is a fundraiser for the Oranjehof museum (upgrade and maintenance). Your family or business name will be up there –  next to Jan's art painting on the side of our building.

Click here and  All it takes is a donation of $250 to the Oranjehof museum (or $5,000 for one of the two remaining Major Sponsor spots). 

Add your own name  to our Memorial Wall. You’ll be in great company!
Sponsor and family names feature on classy Name Panels on the side of the Art Mural.

An Exceptional Place
Your name will feature on a place that tells the story of three cultures – each with their own identity, sitting side by side in the spirit of harmony.

From the carved Maihi panels on the front, to the towering presence of De Molen – next to our Oranjehof national Dutch museum – this facility features the icons and the multi-cultural stories of our nation. We celebrate diversity in all its beauty. And that achievement won us a major Museums Aotearoa award for ‘Excellence’ in 2018, straight after we opened.

Almost every visitor who walks into Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom, comments on how beautiful and special the place is. The stylish lines of understated architecture, the interactive and playful exhibitions, a bright and inviting colour palette – it all creates exceptional spaces and exquisite ambiance… 

The Wall Painting – Fundraiser for the Oranjehof Museum

The Art Mural is iconic and symbolic of Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom – bold, modern, colourful, multi-cultural and inclusive. Its simplicity – at that huge size – creates its impact. As the image gains publicity, it will draw art-lover visitors to the facility, and undoubtedly will get to feature in 1000’s of selfies.

  • Designed in Partnership: The wall features a wave pattern that reflects the facility’s identity. The colours that are linked to the awa river heritage of Te Awahou Foxton, mana whenua, Aotearoa’s skyline, and the Netherlands with its watery landscape. They also resemble the Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom brand colours. Its huge size will give it a cheerful impact that feels open, playful and welcoming.
  • Cultural links: Jan’s bold and modern design showcases contemporary Dutch art and design, also on display in the Oranjehof Museum.
  • Meaning: The Art Mural captures the spirit of the facility. Te Awahou means ‘new stream’. In Dutch, Nieuwe Stroom also means a ‘flow’ in a new direction, with ‘new energy’.
  • Awa – Rivier: For both the Māori and Dutch Partners in Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom, their awa or rivier holds special meaning – so the wave theme of the Mural is culturally important to both.
  • Colour symbolism: Moving from a Dutch orange, to the white and blue colours of ‘the land of the long white cloud’, merging into our national colour black, flowing into kākāriki green that symbolises mana whenua and the Piriharakeke museum – the mural stretches out towards the natural environment and the River Loop.

Your Name next to Art? Click here - Find out more!

You can claim a tax rebate of 33% from the IRD. We're a registered charity.

The Artist

Jan van der Ploeg, with links to Dutch art movement ‘De Stijl’, has created murals around the world. In Aotearoa New Zealand, he is well-known for his Wellington mural. In the spirit of multi-cultural partnership with which Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom was established, Jan has consulted extensively with the three partners to create his final design. He kindly agreed to let the Oranjehof museum use the Mural as a fundraiser for upgrades and maintenance.

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